The information below is about Museum Tours that took place in 2024. Information for future tours will be posted when available.
Crane Associates’ Friends and Family Museum Tours
Saturday, July 27, Sunday, July 28 & Saturday, August 3
Each scheduled tour will last 2 hours. Please plan to meet at the employee parking lot turnstile 5-10 minutes before your tour time and plan to return to the turnstile at the scheduled end time of your tour. The walk from the turnstile includes one 5-step staircase and one 3-step staircase, there are no stairs in the museum. The museum has restrooms available.
If you need to cancel your tour, please contact the museum so we can offer your reservation to another guest.
Please enter the registration code below to sign up.
Crane Associates’ Friends and Family Museum Tours are exclusively for friends and family of Crane employees. After you register, if you do not receive your confirmation email—or for any other questions—contact Jenna Ware, museum director at or 413-730-5055.